Time to get fat! My best recipe for Fastelavnsboller

Fat (or shrove) Tuesday is in Norway celebrated as Fastelavn this Sunday the 10th February 2013. It’s not so much a religious celebration, it’s more a carnival and a feast. So if you’d like to get started baking some fastlavnsboller, wheat buns stuffed with lots of whipped cream, you can find my best recipe here!
© Wikipedia

If you can’t bother baking, get the utterly yummy ones from Bageriet London. They have a layer with marzipan too! Available at the Scandinavian food shop, Totally Swedish, in Marylebone.
And speaking of getting fat. As long as you can resist having these creamy buns every day, I don’t think there’s any reason to worry about being unhealthy!

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1 Comment

    Oh my gosh, I love the plate! Do you know who makes it?

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