On my bedside table: The Summer Book by Tove Jansson

Less than 20 degrees on a sunny day in June is just not right. Perhaps this was why, when seeking shelter from the rain in Daunt Books, I felt drawn to the cover and the title of Tove Jansson’s ‘The Summer Book’ illustrated with a idyllic retro photo of Scandinavian Summer seaside.

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It’s my Birthday! And this is how I’ll spend it!

Although I still feel unchanged in so many ways, birthdays are here to remind you about the fact that you are getting older. I tend not to celebrate in any extravagant way, but somehow this time around is different. There’s no round year or anything more than that I just feel like it. To make this years birthday a bit more special, ‘Bianca style’.

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Defying gravity exercise ideas for 30+

After changing my work situation from freelance to full time office job, the 30 + gravity issue has been speeding up. It took less than half a year with new and more still sitting routines to feel significantly more unfit. Walking in escalators just doesn’t to enough…

So with a wish to turn this down spiralling trend -how much exercise would one need?

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Interior inspiration: Vintage bathrooms ideas

{Photo source: William Abranowicz for The New York Times via Decorators Notebook 10 dreamiest vintage bathrooms

How to transform from outdated to vintage with a minimum budget? There’s no reason to despair! Old and dreary bathrooms can with a few simple steps become your relaxation haven.
We think the ultimate luxurious bathroom is not achieved by money but style.

Continue reading → Interior inspiration: Vintage bathrooms ideas

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